Update 3 | Italian ship with 1,800 passengers from Misurata turns back to Libya after denied entry to Sicily

UPDATE 3 | An Italian flagged ferry that was left stranded at 150 miles off the Sicilian coast due to concerns over lack of information on the 1,800 passengers intent, has turned around and is heading back for Libya. The Maltese government has denied previous reports that it also refused the ship.

The news was initially reported reported by Italian news agency ANSA, quoting “reliable sources” in Italy who said that the Maltese government had refused entry to the ship named 'Mistral Express'. The Italian maritime authorities had been monitoring the ship since it’s departure from Misurata yesterday.

According to the Italian report, the ship was initially steaming North towards Maltese territorial waters, and later advanced into Italian waters where it was warned to stay away and was blocked by Italian naval vessels.

An Italian government spokesman said that there is no certainty that the passengers on board the Mistral Express were genuine evacuees.

Investigations carried out by MaltaToday have confirmed that the ship was chartered by Moroccan nationals in Misurata and not by the Moroccan government as was previously suggested.

The ship is said to be carrying 1,800 passengers of various North African nationalities, including Libyans, Moroccans, Egyptians and Algerians. It was originally declared to be heading for Morocco. However, the ship has re-routed to Augusta in Sicily for re-fuelling.

It remains unknown however why the ship decided to re-route to Sicily with the pretext of re-fuelling given that there was little to take on board in Misurata.

Late tonight, the Italian Coast Guard Central Command has confirmed that the Captain has turned the ship around and is seemingly heading back to Libya.

In a statement, early in the afternoon, the Maltese government  categorically denied any push-back or having any knowledge of the ship, however senior government sources have confirmed this evening that Malta would not allow the same ship to come into its waters following Italy's concerns.

Speaking to MaltaToday, UNHCR spokesperson in Rome Laura Boldrini stated that Italy's refusal to allow the ship enter its territorial waters is evidence of the Southern EU nations paranoia of a mass exodus of refugees from Libya.

"It looks like there is a clear misunderstanding and normal civilians could be victims of an unjust situation," she said, that in the absence of clarifications from Rabat, "these North African citizens could be destined to be taken back to where they were fleeing.

The Italian government said earlier that it had engaged the Moroccan ambassador to Rome to verify if Rabat had officially chartered the ship, however no replies were forwarded to the media.

Michael001 la tippreferi tghix qalb is-suwed x'inti taghmel hawn?
Albert Zammit
Meta naqra xi kummenti tal-Maltin, nghid, li nippreferi li nghix qalb is-'Suwed' milli qalb xi Maltin. Imma kif ma tisthux tpacpcu u tghidu l-hmerijiet. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaa, kemm inhossni oghla minnkom!
Astrolux_boy jekk int vera thossok li trid tejnom, u tghin lil fqir. mur tijom lghajnuna f'pajjizom. izda kullhadd jaff xjigri meta dawn jigu l-ewropa. mur ara go spanja, marokkini attakaw train u splodewh u qatlu mijiet ta nies. mur ara lolanda 7 terroristi somali jigu arrestati. kemm ana somali fpajjizna. daw nafu il background tahom?????? gabu xi kondotta mahom?????? le ghax dawn gew il-legali ma nafux jekk humix xi terroristi bhal shabom, jew ma nafux humix imficija mil interpol fuq atti terroristici. jekk l-ewropa trid tghin lil imigranti tejnom billi, tara li ma jsirux ingustizzji, u jekk verament andom bzonn l-ghajnuna ta no fly zone u ghajnuna ohra iva lewropa bi dmirr li tiprotegijom. ax jekk nigu fdan jew ghajnuna min kullhadd jew ghajnuna min hadd. manix alfejn nipoppaw sidirna bix nidru tal heros
Astrolux_boy iddahhaqniex ghax xbajna nidhqu. Il-Gvern jaghmel sewwa kif ghamlu t-Taljani li ma hallewhomx jidhlu. Laura Boldrini jekk jidrilha xi haga tmur hija fil-pajjizi ta' l-immigranti illegali u tahdem ghalihom hemm mhux hija konda go darha u trid lil haddiehor jerfa' l-piz huwa. ROBIN HUUD ghandek ragun ghax dak huwa l-pjan li l-boloh li jiddefendu l-imigranti illegali bhala taparsi refugjati se jkunu l-qerda ta' l-Ewropa u taghna. Araw kif il-popli Ewropej ma jridux immigrazzjoni specjalment minn barra l-Ewropa. http://euobserver.com/9/31980 Europeans say they are tolerant, but oppose immigration Imbaghad ikun hemm xi erba boloh u jridu jzommuhom hawn!!!!!
This is alll part of the plan by Al qaeda. First foment trouble in the North African countries then send sleeper terrorists to Europe. Well done Italy.
Jeff Cassar
@Astrolux_boy: Hekk sabih, zewg Maltin jithadtu bil-lingwa taghhom :) Trid tkun vera vili biex ma taghtix kenn temporanju ghal min hu fil-bzonn, imma mhux billi inmissu l-propjeta privata tal-Maltin. U nrid naghmila cara li laqas taffetwani lili kieku ghax jien nikri. Hafna drabi niehu l-impressjoni li hemma percentwali kbira tal-Maltin li jimpurthom iktar mill-barranin milli minn dawk Maltin li qed issofru. Specjalment meta dawk il-Maltin huma "l-injuranti" cioe' ma jafux jitkellmu bl-Ingliz. Ara kif sirna, Maltin jitmahsru b'huthom ghax ma jafux jghawgu halqhom bizejjed biex jitkellmu bl-ingliz. Ghat-taparsi puliti hej!
Il-Mulej qal: mur aghti kollox lil foqra u erfa salibek u imxi warajja. Dawk hlejjaq u jinsabu fi tbatija tremenda ghaliex m'ghandniex naghtuhom kenn ghal menu temporanju. U l-Mulej qal dak li taghmlu mal-batuti u l-foqra tkunu qed tghamluh mieghi.
Jeff Cassar
@ Astrolux_boy: qed nassumi li int malti u bhali taf tiktbu. L-argument tieghek ma jreggiex ma jaghmilx sens. Din x'inhi li wara xi hadd ikun hadem u ghamel is-sagrifcji biex jinvesti fil-propjeta, is-soltu ghal uliedu meta jitfarfru biex ma jkollhomx jiddejnu mal-banek nehdulu l-frott tat-tbattija tieghu biex natuh lill-barranin? Bl-istess argument ghandna naghtu l-karrozzi kollha fis-showrooms u tal-kollezzjonisti lil dawk li gejjin hawnhekk...
At first I thought that you were talking "tongue-in-cheek" Astrolux_boy - then it was clear that your comment did not make sense. If you are a Catholic, do not drag others with you...just open your house (and perhaps your summer residence too) to whoever comes along. But, you will have to face the wrath of your neighbours too.
I do not agree with you we should welcome anyone who wish to come here, according to our governemet there are 100's of empty houses around Malta so ther will be no problem for their accomodation. Besides we say that we are Catholics and the church thought us that we must help those in need so come on let's do it.
jabela agree with you we are full up no space to breathe
well let us hope that we really send them back !!! or else send them to France or the UK since they are very keen to get oil contracts