Mark Mallia: Internal checks found no wrongdoing on allegations surrounding Transport Malta
Transport Malta CEO Mark Mallia says investigations into a number of allegations against the authority show no further internal action is needed

Transport Malta CEO Mark Mallia said allegations surrounding the authority warranted no further internal action.
“I looked at the reports and evaluated them to see whether there were any grounds to implement internal measures without impeding ongoing police investigations. However, most of them did not require further internal action,” Mallia said while being interviewed on Saviour Balzan’s XTRA.
Mallia, who was appointed Transport Malta (TM) CEO two months ago, was asked about the number of stories concerning alleged wrong doing at a number of TM departments. The allegations concern missing and tampered maritime fines, irregular berthing of vessels by the AUM dock in Bormla, and irregularities surrounding Y-plates among others.
The TM CEO said the authority is committed towards addressing the concerns, and is not turning a blind eye to the allegations. He also outlined a number of measures which he says were aimed at bolstering internal controls and ensure compliance at all authority departments.
“I established a compliance unit, comprising of a well-equipped and qualified team, tasked with developing internal controls. To me, no one is exempt, not even myself,” Mallia stated.
Mallia emphasised that every process will undergo rigorous scrutiny, with the unit conducting random sampling to verify compliance.
"We aim to demonstrate to the public that while some allegations may appear severe, if they even happened, we are actively taking steps to prevent their recurrence," Mallia said.