Study suggests that cheese may help in weight loss

New study suggests that eating cheese may help those trying to lose weight due to higher intake of anti-inflamatory fatty acid that increases energy production

A new scientific study published by The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, has suggested that eating cheese may help individuals struggling to lose weight – and contribute to keeping the pounds off.

The study carried out at the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University, published this month, discussed the importance of something researchers labelled “cheese metabolism”.

The study compared urine and faecal samples from 15 men, who consumed a diet featuring milk and cheese or butter but no other dairy products for two weeks. The small test, was partially funded by the Danish Dairy Research Foundation. It showed that those who ate cheese (or milk) during the trial had a noticeable different composition of bacteria in their gut.

The cheese-eating group had higher levels of the compound butyrate, an anti-inflammatory fatty acid that can increase energy production. Butyrate has been found, to improve metabolism in some cases. According to an American Diabetes Association study in 2009 showed that the substance maintains body fat percentages and prevent the development of obesity.

However, researchers urge people not go rushing to the cheese board just yet. The “French paradox”, as researchers term it, is more down to the balanced diet many in France still maintain, rather an active decision to guzzle down various kinds of cheeses.