Definitive(ly) Good Guide awards survey winners
As it enters its 16th year, Malta’s Best Restaurants Awards Ceremony 2016, considered to be the ‘Oscars’ of the local restaurant industry, will be held at the InterContinental Arena Conference Centre on Tuesday 8 December.

Winners of the Definitive(ly) Good Guide to Restaurants 2015 Survey, conducted in September 2015, sponsored by HSBC, were recently presented with fantastic prizes.
First prize comprimsed of two nights for two persons at the fabulous Trabuxu Boutique Living, Valletta, which went to Michael Gauci. Second prize- a lavish gourmet hamper to the value of €200 from Dical House Fine Foods & Wellbeing - was awarded to Vickylynne Deguara and the third prize, a €100 voucher for indulgent pampering at Myoka Lotus Spa, went to Peter Zammit for returning their surveys with ratings and included the funniest, relevant and most informative comments.
As it enters its 16th year, Malta’s Best Restaurants Awards Ceremony 2016, considered to be the ‘Oscars’ of the local restaurant industry, will be held at the InterContinental Arena Conference Centre on Tuesday 8 December.
At the ceremony the new edition of the Guide will also be launched featuring the results of the 2015 Restaurant Survey.
The book is created from the votes of the survey of 1,973 people dining out on average of twice weekly to an equivalent of 205,192 dining experiences in a year. Each year the awards and the Guide provide an annual recognised and respected reference point for Malta’s best restaurants.
Additional awards will be presented for the following categories including the top rated Best Food Award sponsored by Mc Cain represented by Alf Mizzi & Sons (Marketing) Ltd , Best Service Award sponsored by Lurpak represented by Applecore Foods, best Ambience award, best for Maltese food, best for Business Entertainment, Most Romantic, Best Value for Money, restaurant offering the best Vegetarian Options sponsored by Good Earth Distributors Ltd, Best Restaurant Restroom/Cloakroom, restaurant for Lively Atmosphere sponsored by Route 66 Limousine Services, ‘Children Friendly’ restaurant award sponsored by The Malta Baby & Kids Directory, Best Newcomer sponsored by Mibrasa Coal Ovens, Most Mentioned Restaurant sponsored by, Chef of the Year Award sponsored by The Catering Centre and the Colin Best award for the Most Consistently Outstanding Restaurant.
There will also be a number of wine awards, this year kindly sponsored by Riedel, the wine glass company.
The results will be published online at as soon as they have been announced to the assembled restaurant owners and managers at the Restaurant ceremony on the 8th December.