Karen Mugliett's vegetable of the week

For this week, home economist and healthy eating specialist Karen Mugliett suggests marrows as the vegetable of the week.

"This past week I bought locally grown marrows for 1.25 euro per kilo, so it is worth using them right now," Mugliett says. "They need to be firm and heavy when bought."

Marrows can be used in a variety of ways: steamed, boiled, baked, stuffed with a variety of fillings, cut into cubes and served au gratin or stir fried or grilled if thinly cut into slices.

Nutritive Value

The marrow is a variety of the gourd family along with cucumber, pumpkin, cantaloupe melon, water melon.

·       All contain a high proportion of water with the marrow containing 95%.

·       100g of marrows gives only 9 kcal, 1g of dietary fibre, 10mg of Vitamin C and only very little traces of nutrients