7% drop in local vegetable produce in 2018
2018 saw a drop in vegetable and fruit produce by 7% and 1% respectively

Last year, the local vegetable produce dropped by 7% when compared to the previous year.
The total vegetables produced in tonnes amounted to 58,178, down by 7% when compared to 2017. Their value too diminished as the total produce was valued at €30 million, down by 13% over the previous year.
The most significant drop was in potatoes, down by 27% over the previous year. Tomatoes and onions were the only vegetables to have increased in volume, by 3% and 4% respectively but their value diminished by 9% and 24% respectively.

The figures were published by the National Statistics Office on the event of World Food Day 2019, which will be celebrated on Wednesday.
Cauliflower, cabbage and lettuce produce dropped by 10%, 3%, and 12% respectively.
In the realm of local fruit, a drop of produce was registered here too apart from strawberries, which experienced a whopping increase of 58% over 2017.

Total fruit produced in 2018 amounted to 13,057 tonnes, down by 1% when compared to 2017. The total produce was valued at €10 million, a 3% increase in value.
Peaches produced were down by 35% and the 376 tonnes of peaches cultivated amounted to €0.5 million in value.
Orange produce dropped by 10% and lemon produce dropped by 14%.
There was no change in the amount of grapes produced and the 3,642 tonnes of grapes produced in 2018 were valued at €2.3 million.
70% of fruit and vegetables consumed in Malta is imported. The drop in local produce could be the result of deleterious or unsuitable weather patterns.