PN ‘ready to cooperate’ with government on security measures
Farrugia calls for Dalli's resignation over defence of Debono Grech
Busuttil sounds warning over ministers taking back power on land use
[WATCH] Busuttil’s comment on Abela’s election: ‘Should I change the rules of democracy?’
[WATCH] Busuttil 'ready to agree' with Schengen suspension if government proves there’s a risk
Opposition to present motion against Speaker's ruling
Labour accuses Busuttil of using national security ‘as political football’
Busuttil told Tony Abela to make way for Joe Giglio co-option to parliament
Update 2 | OPM accuses Busuttil of ‘inciting fear’, double standards
Update 2 | PN and NGOs want Marlene Farrugia to chair environment committee, but Labour is not budging
PM delivers statement to the House: ‘Terrorists want us to blame refugees’
[WATCH] ‘Create careers not jobs,’ Muscat tells employers
European leaders want long-term migration solutions from Valletta summit
‘Sustainability and honesty’ pillars for PN relationship with developers
Busuttil defends Cassar’s resignation, says Muscat lied on Gaffarena demands
Simon Busuttil replies on Shell settlement statements
[WATCH] Busuttil distances PN from ‘conservative Christianity'
[WATCH] Busuttil: ‘Muscat can’t sack Falzon. If he goes, PM must shoulder responsibility’
[WATCH]  ‘No reason for Joe Cassar to resign from party’ – Busuttil
Labour accuses Busuttil of failing to take decision over Joe Cassar
Updated | ‘Busuttil’s real test to walk the talk’ – Joseph Muscat
Busuttil vouches for Joe Cassar’s integrity, ‘won’t play Labour’s game’
Opposition in final appeal against ‘placing local council elections on the backburner’
'Busuttil cannot be taken seriously' - Labour party
Busuttil says story of MP’s Gaffarena link ‘game to deviate from real scandals’
A political stalemate
PN will remove criminal libel, be guardian of environment – Busuttil
Updated | PN turns down Budget ads after Broadcasting Authority pulls them off PBS
Busuttil calls for ‘European Border Guards’ to protect external borders
[ANALYSIS] Busuttil punches hard, but where’s the beef?
[WATCH] ‘Muscat’s full of bluff but little substance’ – Busuttil
'Proud to be a salesman for our families and business' - Muscat
Updated | Labour keeps up the heat on Busuttil, Grech • PN hits back
‘Idealistic’ Busuttil insists his duty owed to the public, not to ElectroGas
Busuttil slams government's 'short-term' economic vision, 'inaction on traffic problems'
[WATCH] Muscat hits out at ‘destructive’ Busuttil
[WATCH] 'Too little for the people, plenty for government' – Busuttil
‘Incompetent’ Joe Mizzi has to shoulder responsibility for traffic nightmare - Busuttil
An ‘open Malta’ must stamp out corruption to attract business – Busuttil
73 passports sold to main IIP applicants • €75 million diverted to social fund