In Pakistan: Explosion at political rally claims more than 40 lives
At least 40 people were killed, and more than 200 were injured, in an explosion in Pakistan during a political
Azerbaijan blocking essential goods, services to 120,000 ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh
The ties between the European Union and Azerbaijan are in peril as members of the European Parliament are demanding action against the...
Donald Trump will not attend White House press dinner

US President Donald Trump caps off tumultuous week with press by announcing...

US President Donald Trump caps off tumultuous week with...

Drunken driver ploughs into parade crowd, 28 injured

Five people critically injured after ‘highly intoxicated’ driver...

Five people critically injured after ‘highly...

German police shoot man who ‘drove into people’

German police shoot a man who drove into a central pedestrian area in...

German police shoot a man who drove into a central...

Kim Jong-nam murder suspect ‘was paid $90 for baby oil prank’

Indonesian woman says she was paid $90 to spray what she thought was baby oil...

Indonesian woman says she was paid $90 to spray what she...

French magistrate to investigate Fillon ‘fake jobs’ allegations

French state prosecutor's office to expand investigation into presiential...

French state prosecutor's office to expand...

Mexico warns Trump over border wall funding

Mexico warns that it could respond in kind if US imposes a unilateral tax on...

Mexico warns that it could respond in kind if US imposes a...

White House bans certain news outlets from press briefing

Major news outlets including New York Times, Politico, CNN and BBC banned from...

Major news outlets including New York Times, Politico, CNN...

Dutch anti-Islam leader suspends election campaign appearances amid safety fears due to security leak

Far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders has suspended all appearances on his election campaign amid a scandal over alleged security leaks that...

Far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders has...

UN Security Council to vote on Syria sanctions over chemical weapons

The UN Security Council is likely to vote next week on a draft resolution that...

The UN Security Council is likely to vote next week on a...

Marine Le Pen refuses to attend police summons for questioning

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen refused earlier this week to appear...

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen refused earlier...

136 Turkish diplomats seek asylum in Germany since putsch

Germany says it has received 136 asylum requests from Turks holding diplomatic...

Germany says it has received 136 asylum requests from Turks...

Two Samsung execs offer to resign amid corruption scandal

Two senior Samsung Group executives have offered to resign to take...

Two senior Samsung Group executives have offered to resign...

Theresa May's Conservatives gain parliamentary seat as rivals suffer election setbacks

The Conservatives have won the Copeland by-election, beating Labour in an area it represented for more than 80 years

The Conservatives have won the Copeland by-election,...

East Libya imposes travel curbs for those aged between 18 and 45

Libya has banned men and women between the ages of 18 and 45 from travelling...

Libya has banned men and women between the ages of 18 and...

US promises Mexico no mass deportations or military force

US Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly promised there will be 'no...

US Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly promised there...

Ukrainian MP kidnapped by unidentified attackers in Odessa

Oleksiy Honcharenko, a member of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc parliamentary...

Oleksiy Honcharenko, a member of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc...

France's Macron wins key ally Bayrou as Le Pen aide charged in fraud probe

Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaign has been boosted by a surprise alliance with veteran centrist François Bayrou as Marine Le Pen...

Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaign has been...

Mexico will not accept Trump's immigration plans, foreign minister says

Mexico has condemned new guidelines issued by the United States, under which almost all illegal immigrants can be subject to deportation to Mexico regardless...

Mexico has condemned new guidelines issued by the United...