One more night of funny from the Comedy Knights
The encore, titled One More Night of Funny, will play on Saturday 17 January at the Salesians Theatre in Sliema
Action packed start to 2015 on GO Stars HD
GO Stars HD subscribers will have an action packed start to 2015 with a number of movie premieres and new TV series starting in January.
Immanuel Mifsud short film for Book Festival

In its second edition after being re-christened the National Book Festival, the...

In its second edition after being re-christened the...

Film Review | Dracula Untold

Not Another Unnecessary Prequel...! Yes, Yet Another Unnecessary Prequel.

Not Another Unnecessary Prequel...! Yes, Yet Another...

Trailer Park | ABC's of Death 2

The return of the multinational stop across cinematic terror, with 26 directors from a variety of countries contributing to the anthology film - one for each...

The return of the multinational stop across cinematic...

Trailer Park | American Sniper

Clint Eastwood bites a chunk out of Kathryn Bigelow's turf with this thriller about a conflicted US Navy SEAL stationed in Iraq. 

Clint Eastwood bites a chunk out of Kathryn Bigelow's...

Get your copy of Indulge, out on Sunday with MaltaToday

The autumn edition of Indulge is free this Sunday with MaltaToday 

The autumn edition of Indulge is free this Sunday with...

‘Calling yourself an artist is pretentious’ | Jesmond Vassallo

Painter Jesmond Vassallo speaks to us about his latest solo exhibition,...

Painter Jesmond Vassallo speaks to us about his latest solo...

‘Gozo could become a contemporary dance hub’

Having adapted Alice in Wonderland and Snow White for the stage, Gozitan ballet...

Having adapted Alice in Wonderland and Snow White for the...

Trailer Park | Whiplash

A young musician struggles to make it as a top jazz drummer.

A young musician struggles to make it as a top jazz drummer.

Trailer Park | Pride

An unlikely alliance between gay and lesbian activists and the mining community ruffles the feathers of the establishment in this heartwarming slice of recent...

An unlikely alliance between gay and lesbian activists and...

Trailer Park | Life Partners

A life-long friendship between two girls is challenged when one of them falls in love for the first time. 

A life-long friendship between two girls is challenged when...

Film Review | Frank

It may have all the trappings of a self-consciously quirky hipster fever dream, but true to its title and the name of its masked protagonists, Lenny...

It may have all the trappings of a self-consciously quirky...

Setting the stage | Vicki-Ann Cremona

The Maltese play-writing tradition is undergoing a crisis, with the Arts Council revealing how submissions to the annual Francis Ebejer Award proving to be...

The Maltese play-writing tradition is undergoing a crisis,...

'I Due Foscari' to be screened live from the Royal Opera House

Eden Cinemas will be screening the event live on 27 October

Eden Cinemas will be screening the event live on 27 October

Trailer Park | The Immortalists

Can old age be "cured"? 

Can old age be "cured"? 

Trailer Park | Point and Shoot

This "gripping non-fiction thriller" chronicles the true story of Matt VanDyke, a 26-year-old with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder who was captured by...

This "gripping non-fiction thriller" chronicles...

Pumpkin festival to be held in Manikata

Plentiful food and entertainment will be on offer on the day

Plentiful food and entertainment will be on offer on the day

Ziffa Festival at MIA promises music and entertainment

Arts and crafts, children's activities and live music await visitors

Arts and crafts, children's activities and live music...

Trailer Park | Bad Turn Worse

A group of teens get far more than they bargained for as they're blackmailed by a sociopath to do his bidding.

A group of teens get far more than they bargained for as...