Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

Articles by this author
‘Government has no intention of protecting environment’ – Din l-Art Helwa
Environment NGO flags ‘silent position’ adopted by Ministry for the Environment over Mistra permits.
Government doubles fee for film classification procedure
Budget 2014 increases fee from €46.59 to €100 per film.
BirdLife fined €250 over data protection breach – hunters
2014 World Cup official ball 'Brazuca' launched
CSB Advocates service global private wealth through Malta
Business News
Children have their say in choice of Child Commissioner
Updated | 3,346 full-time employment increase in four months
Toly Group executive is new Water Services executive chairman
IT consultant paid €17,807 since June
Small fishers join forces in ‘Malta Commitment’ for better dialogue
Napoli back on track
Fiorentina edge past Hellas Verona in seven-goal thriller
Inbound tourism registers increase in first-time visitors
Business News
Environment protest to be held on Saturday