Miriam Dalli

Miriam Dalli

Miriam Dalli joined MaltaToday.com.mt in 2010 becoming assistant editor from 2013, and editor in 2016 until 2017.

Articles by this author
Ongoing investigations on Russian nuclear weapons expert’s death
The Police are waiting for toxicological results into the death of Russian nuclear expert Alexander Pikayev
Humanists and gay rights activists deplore statements by religious leaders
The Malta Humanist Association and the Malta Gay Rights Movement have expressed their concerns at statements made by religious leaders on homosexuality
MHRA congratulates Air Malta on top ranking
Suspected ETA member arrested in Northern Ireland
US tries to reassure allies after McChrystal was sacked
Czech Prime Minister resigns
Jamaican ‘drug lord’ to face trial in the US
12 refugees depart to the US
Mater Dei denies necrophilia news report
Do you want to buy a vuvuzela for just €4?
Hunters sent only 10 SMSes
Gonzi hears PN activist complain that ‘no MP ever comes to Zejtun club’
Birzebbugia mayor warns Enemalta it will be held responsible over coal ash waste
Sedqa inaugurates new detox premises