Raphael Vassallo

Raphael Vassallo

Articles by this author
Test tube politics | Michael Farrugia
Dr Michael Farrugia, the Opposition’s appointed member on Parliament’s Social Affairs Committee, calls for a different approach to IVF and other ‘morally...
‘Not in our name’, says budding self excommunication group
Fifty years after the Archbishop’s ‘excommunication edict’ shocked and fractured the nation in April 1961, today people are beginning to ask to have themselves...
Transgender case gets Malta’s knickers in a twist
Eggs cost 10 times more to freeze than embryos
Resistance to drugs decriminalisation ‘dictated by greed’
Church and State to commence separation procedures?
Sorry really is the hardest word…
Transgender case 'going straight to European Court of Human Rights' - lawyer
‘Mass walkout’ in Zejtun as Church intensifies fear campaign
A leap in the dark | Arthur Galea Salomone
Young, free, and against divorce
Divorce Referendum
Children's Commissioner accused of distorting divorce study
Divorce Referendum
Repeating the mistakes of history | Fr Colin Apap
Black-winged stilts breed in Ghadira