PM on Degiorgio brothers conviction: 'Government committed to ensuring full justice'
Prime Minister Robert Abela says Labour government’s decisions crucial to achieving justice in Caruana Galizia murder • Opposition leader insists court proceedings...
Parliament speaks with one voice on suspension of time limits for release on bail if accused self-harms
The House amends legislation in bid to stop delaying tactics by people accused of serious crimes
The mysterious fate of a lizard that captures ecologists’ imaginations

Extinction Countdown’s John Platt comments on the Maltese mystery: why a naturalist and government disagree on the extinction of the Selumnett lizard

Extinction Countdown’s John Platt comments on the...

Italo-Libyan repatriations push migrants to Turkey and Greece

Sea patrols mounted by the border security agency Frontex and controversial...

Sea patrols mounted by the border security agency Frontex...

Muscat calls for “real competition” in the pay-television market

Labour leader Joseph Muscat has called on the Malta Communications Authority...

Labour leader Joseph Muscat has called on the Malta...

‘Malta’s deficit low compared to the rest of Europe’ - Gonzi

Government doesn't need to implement strict austerity measures to reduce...

Government doesn't need to implement strict austerity...

Members of parliament receive amnesty perks

At least four members of parliament, nationalist deputies Frederick...

At least four members of parliament, nationalist deputies...

Football fans livid after PBS decides not to broadcast Germany vs England on TVM

England football fans are livid after they learnt that PBS had decided not to broadcast the Second Round Match between Germany and England at 4pm today.

England football fans are livid after they learnt that...

Suspected drug courier had lots of debts, police investigating Malta links

A Maltese national arrested in Brazil in a joint DEA sting that yielded €1 million worth of pure cocaine, had thousands of euros in debts in Malta

A Maltese national arrested in Brazil in a joint DEA...

American campaigners relentless in ‘battle’ to amend Maltese criminal code

An American Hindu society wants the Maltese government to amend the law that makes people liable to a lighter prison sentence if they offend non-Catholic...

An American Hindu society wants the Maltese government to...

AD tells MPs to come clean with electorate over divorce

Alternatttiva Demokratika - The Green Party has stepped up its campaign for...

Alternatttiva Demokratika - The Green Party has stepped...

GO, Melita trade salvoes over sharing football broadcasting rights

Representatives of TV providers GO and Melita accuse each other of delaying...

Representatives of TV providers GO and Melita accuse each...

Maltese national discharged from Italian ‘ketamine’ investigation

Italian judge clears Maltese importer of vetinerary products who went to Italy...

Italian judge clears Maltese importer of vetinerary...

Kids' best interests must be safeguarded in cohabitation law - commissioner

Children's Commissioner Helen d'Amato has claimed that families where parents are unmarried and cohabiting, "are most likely to break up"...

Children's Commissioner Helen d'Amato has claimed...

Government to distribute almost 500 refurbished PCs to Church schools

The government  reached an agreement with the Archbishop’s Curia...

The government  reached an agreement with the...

Italian company taken to court over unpaid salaries

Italian company Bryvarc, an employer of a number of Gozitan workers, has been...

Italian company Bryvarc, an employer of a number of...

Labour welcomes European agreement on new MEPs

Labour welcomed the outcome of the EU’s Intergovernmental Conference...

Labour welcomed the outcome of the EU’s...

Mali man charged with Ivorian’s murder

Immigrant charged with murder of Ivorian asylum seeker

Immigrant charged with murder of Ivorian asylum seeker

Migrants jailed for illegal escape
How big is the BP oil spill disaster, and what if it happened here?

The deepwater horizon catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico has been referred to...

The deepwater horizon catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico...