Red light yes, green light no
Minister Mallia cannot shrug off his responsibility to close a very evident legal loophole, which among other things has resulted in the waste of considerable time and resources...
Shame on all of them
Saviour Balzan
This week I received a press release that former magistrate Dennis Montebello was appointed chairman of the culture advisory committee. A committee that works closely with MEPA.
To trust or not to trust... that is the question
Carmen Sammut

Now that the PN’s methods were revealed, shouldn’t the party be engaging...

Now that the PN’s methods were revealed, shouldn’t the...

SEO or Social Media?
Conrad Bugeja

Which is the right channel for your business, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Social Media?

Which is the right channel for your business, Search Engine...

Nothing is sacred anymore

JPO was presented to the general electorate by the PN as a sacrificial lamb: resulting in an overwhelming sympathy vote which quite possibly led to the PN...

JPO was presented to the general electorate by the PN as a...

Taking a walk on the Kate side
Claudine Cassar

The death of Mamadou Kamara has exposed the ugly underbelly of our so-called Christian culture.

The death of Mamadou Kamara has exposed the ugly underbelly...

Evaluating our secondary education
Evarist Bartolo

Should we forget the 468 16-year-olds who did not even register for any SEC exam?

Should we forget the 468 16-year-olds who did not even...

Monkey pee, monkey poo…
Raphael Vassallo

We can’t entirely blame Detention Officers for referring to detained migrants as ‘monkeys’ – if that is in fact the condition they’re kept in.

We can’t entirely blame Detention Officers for referring...

It could be so funny, were it not so sad
Saviour Balzan

Is there a clique? Of course there is. One that is only interested in staying in power because it makes sense for many of them personally.

Is there a clique? Of course there is. One that is only...

Desperate bedfellows

Viewed only through a narrow prism, the cohabitation move is admittedly little short of a political masterstroke.

Viewed only through a narrow prism, the cohabitation move...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan on the current political crisis, from the Reporter studios.

Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan on the current...

This is not a coalition
James Debono

In Europe, coalitions are formed by two or more ‘real’ parties on a joint programme. Malta’s is a pact between a weakened Prime Minister and a bitter MP...

In Europe, coalitions are formed by two or more ‘real’...

From Lima with love
Saviour Balzan

The name of the game is survival, and everyone should say it as it is.

The name of the game is survival, and everyone should say...

How to seriously (but seriously) wreck a political party
Raphael Vassallo

I was momentarily distracted by the unexpected vision of an imaginary country...

I was momentarily distracted by the unexpected vision of an...

Fudge… and even more fudge
Michael Falzon

Do they honestly think that more fudge will explain all the fudge away?

Do they honestly think that more fudge will explain all the...

A terrible sense of déjà vu
Claudine Cassar

I have heard countless stories of soldiers taking food to the immigrants and helping – these would be the “good guys”. However, unfortunately, there must...

I have heard countless stories of soldiers taking food to...

Migrants are human beings as well
Evarist Bartolo

I attended the walk because I believe that the present system of how the State treats immigrants in Malta is inhumane.

I attended the walk because I believe that the present...

This is not the PN we once knew

The extent of the mess we are seeing today is a direct consequence of the sum total of these and other, myriad failures.

The extent of the mess we are seeing today is a direct...

Why stay on till 2013?
Raphael Vassallo

On Sunday, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi insisted yet again that he intends to stay on until the end of his term, which officially expires in mid-2013. My only...

On Sunday, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi insisted yet again...

What value life?
Claudine Cassar

Apparently the life of a Malian man is less precious than the life of a dog.

Apparently the life of a Malian man is less precious than...