Mercury Rising: Artwashing through real estate | Gabriel Zammit
Reputation laundering via cultural projects is not a new move for Portelli. He...
Reputation laundering via cultural projects is not a new...

The Bartolo-Camilleri affair will not go away
No tax cut and Children’s Allowance increase will ever match the...
No tax cut and Children’s Allowance increase will...

Cartoon: 24 November 2024
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea
Cartoon by Mikiel Galea

Why pointing a finger at PN MPs is just an attempt to muddy the waters
Rather than claim false outrage, the Labour Party should take it on itself to reform the system so that MPs employed with the public service are helped to...
Rather than claim false outrage, the Labour Party should...

Bernard Grech, the purveyor of fake news | Naomi Cachia
The problem with the PN is that its credibility is so low that people can...
The problem with the PN is that its credibility is so low...

EU unprepared for Trumpian storm ahead
The Trumpian storm ahead will undoubtedly create geopolitical uncertainty, especially in Europe
The Trumpian storm ahead will undoubtedly create...

Mercury in retrograde: Social mobility through real estate | Gabriel Zammit
Mercury is thus the ultimate indictment of our society’s collective dreams – social and financial mobility through real estate, at any cost
Mercury is thus the ultimate indictment of our...

The Labour Party’s quagmire and breaching the ‘no beef’ barrier
This game of appeasement has weakened Abela’s moral authority to stand up...
This game of appeasement has weakened Abela’s moral...

Muzzling educators | Daniel Xerri
Just like Said’s intellectuals, their role 'is not to consolidate authority, but to understand, interpret, and question it'
Just like Said’s intellectuals, their role 'is...