Back to the stone age
Saviour Balzan
The answer to our infrastructural woes are not going to be climate change agencies but action and decision-making based on the premise  that this small island nation has...
Before ‘Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’, there were... ‘The Powerpuff Girls’! (Part One)
Raphael Vassallo
The upshot, of course, is that both Barbie, and The Powerpuff Girls, ended up serving a purpose that was far removed from the intentions of their respective creators. The former...
Hey! I just met you, and this is funny…
Raphael Vassallo

But here’s my bank account, now give me money

But here’s my bank account, now give me money

From a distance
Michael Falzon

This is perhaps the first electoral campaign that I am not somehow involved in, directly or indirectly, since 1971 – over 50 years ago.

This is perhaps the first electoral campaign that I am not...

Corruption: fact or fiction?
Claudine Cassar

The Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index shows clearly that the Maltese are coming to believe, in ever increasing numbers, that we are...

The Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index...

Making us pay for oil
Evarist Bartolo

When did Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi first learn that Trafigura, when selling oil to Enemalta, was paying commissions to Frank Sammut, the consultant of its...

When did Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi first learn that...

On the seduction of ‘fast-tracking’
James Debono

While bureaucratic delays are unbearable when unjustified, a transparent and stringent planning process is a prerequisite to safeguard society from commercial...

While bureaucratic delays are unbearable when unjustified,...

Open letter to John Rizzo
Saviour Balzan

Corruption in Malta is magnified by the fact that many of the people involved are appointed by the strength of their political leanings.

Corruption in Malta is magnified by the fact that many of...

BOV saga: Simon Busuttil already fails to deliver
Evarist Bartolo

Now a Deputy Leader of the Nationalist Party, investors remain callously...

Now a Deputy Leader of the Nationalist Party, investors...

The writing was on the wall
Claudine Cassar

The PN seems to have forgotten that S&P’s submitted a two-page rationale for their decision, and that several supporting statements were made after the...

The PN seems to have forgotten that S&P’s submitted a...

Why is the PN defending Enemalta?
Raphael Vassallo

This is not about whether LNG is preferable to delivery by pipeline. It’s actually whether our country can afford to continue being blackmailed by its own...

This is not about whether LNG is preferable to delivery by...

BOV saga: Simon Busuttil already fails to deliver
Evarist Bartolo

The long list of Bank of Valletta clients who filed a misselling complaint in...

The long list of Bank of Valletta clients who filed a...

The writing was on the wall
Evarist Bartolo

The budget contained optimistic growth projections, with the Minister assuring us that the decrease in income tax will be amply made up for by the increase in...

The budget contained optimistic growth projections, with...

To tender or not to tender
James Debono

Labour has committed itself to issue an expression of interest and not a tender for the procurement of a privately-owned gas terminal and power station: a...

Labour has committed itself to issue an expression of...

Alice? Who the f*** is Alice?
Raphael Vassallo

For someone who was brought up on The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (I still have the original battered copy that once belonged to my grandfather, but these...

For someone who was brought up on The Complete Works of...

The debate so far
Saviour Balzan

The PL is New Labour, no matter how hard the cynics try to remind us of the past. And the longer the PN campaigns on a negative tone, the more difficult it...

The PL is New Labour, no matter how hard the cynics try to...

A nine-week rollercoaster
Michael Falzon

The 2013 electoral campaign promises to be a rollercoaster.

The 2013 electoral campaign promises to be a rollercoaster.

U-turn on mixed ability schooling?
Michael Falzon

The GonziPN government has started the process to open a highly selective school for top students only.

The GonziPN government has started the process to open a...

Malta Taghna Lkoll… or is it?
Michael Falzon

Over the past few years, many voters have come to believe that in Malta we may all be equal, but that in reality some animals are more equal than others.

Over the past few years, many voters have come to believe...

Labour’s energy proposal: not a gimmick, but…
James Debono

Labour’s proposal cannot be dismissed as a gimmick but even if doable, we...

Labour’s proposal cannot be dismissed as a gimmick but...