If such personifications of the ‘I don’t give a f*ck about the law’ attitude are allowed to continue roaming the streets, persist with criminal activities and...
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours: Joseph Muscat’s answer to those challenging his party on concrete policies says much about Labour’s...
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours: Joseph...
Technocratic ministers will take us further away from parliamentary democracy towards a presidential system where ministers recruited from kitchen cabinets are...
Technocratic ministers will take us further away from...
Joseph Muscat claims that ‘abortion is not the issue’ with Tonio Borg’s nomination. He is wrong.
Joseph Muscat claims that ‘abortion is not the issue’...
I waited. I waited for Paul Borg Olivier to issue a statement, a rebuttal, perhaps a tweet, perhaps a small note on Facebook, that the evidence given on Friday...
I waited. I waited for Paul Borg Olivier to issue a...
The Malta Financial Services Authority pays him around €1,000 an hour as its consultant. Since 2008, MFSA has spent around €500,000 on him.
The Malta Financial Services Authority pays him around...
Am I the only one who feels that over the last few weeks the whole population of Malta has been taken on a crazy rollercoaster ride?
Am I the only one who feels that over the last few weeks...
Saviour Balzan's videoblog on the John Dalli resignation.
Saviour Balzan's videoblog on the John Dalli...
I have to admit that I was naïve enough to believe in Frank Portelli's sincerity.
I have to admit that I was naïve enough to believe in...
Court expert Martin Bajada and former police inspector Paul Caruana have...
Court expert Martin Bajada and former police inspector Paul...
In fact, if I were the Prime Minister I would extend the amnesty to cover anyone who knows anything regarding the falls of all 13 of the unfortunate souls who...
In fact, if I were the Prime Minister I would extend the...
It is difficult to even imagine a more thoroughly abnormal state of affairs,...
It is difficult to even imagine a more thoroughly abnormal...
By handing down a lengthier prison sentence for a cannabis cultivation charge, than for aggravated child abuse, the Maltese courts showed themselves up to be a...
By handing down a lengthier prison sentence for a cannabis...
Malta does not feature in a recent report called ‘The Learning Curve’ on the education systems of 40 countries in the world.
Malta does not feature in a recent report called ‘The...
Those clamouring for Boris Johnson and jumping on this bandwagon of his mockery should also be willing to fork out more subsidies to Arriva to buy more small...
Those clamouring for Boris Johnson and jumping on this...
A significant drop in voter turn-out might achieve much more in the way of political reform for the country, than the efforts of any one political party to...
A significant drop in voter turn-out might achieve much...
Saviour Balzan's videoblog on the recent political stalemate in the Maltese parliament.
Saviour Balzan's videoblog on the recent political...
The fact is that we are simply too far behind our European counterparts to be able to pat ourselves on the back.
The fact is that we are simply too far behind our European...