Abortion: Your discomfort, her pain | Open letter to Prime Minister Abela
Isabel Stabile
'You must surely realise that our country is at a crossroads. It can either go down the path of protecting women, or it can cave in to conservatives and continue to...
Party loyalty is on the decline. I wonder why?
Raphael Vassallo
But that leaves us with yet another, niggling little question. Judging by his answer to Lou Bondi’s question, above... Robert Abela evidently understands the nature of the...
A tribute to Julian Manduca
James Debono

Julian Manduca was an intrepid journalist whose political and environmental wisdom was a credit and honour to the MaltaToday newsroom.

Julian Manduca was an intrepid journalist whose political...

Caesar, God and all that
Raphael Vassallo

It seems Tonio Borg sees no mutually incompatibility between a government’s ‘religious underpinnings’ and its respect for democracy and human rights.

It seems Tonio Borg sees no mutually incompatibility...

Blogs – The Good and the Bad
Conrad Bugeja

Blogs are a scary area for some businesses. However, if a business does not do any type of blogging, it will lose potential customers.

Blogs are a scary area for some businesses. However, if a...

Conrad Bugeja

Democratic deficiencies
Claudine Cassar

A spate of elections all around the world coupled with the never-ending anticipation of an early or not-so-early general election in Malta has made me take a...

A spate of elections all around the world coupled with the...

Educate, train and retrain
Evarist Bartolo

According to the Labour Force Survey youth unemployment in the Under 29-year bracket stands at a staggering 48% when compared to 38% in the EU27.

According to the Labour Force Survey youth unemployment in...

O Joseph Mio…
Raphael Vassallo

I don’t know what it is about performing artists these days. But no sooner do they achieve a modicum of international success in their chosen field – a...

I don’t know what it is about performing artists these...

Pay Per Click
Conrad Bugeja

Pay per Click (PPC) is an online advertising model used by several websites and providers. Advertisers using PPC advertising pay the publisher or the provider...

Pay per Click (PPC) is an online advertising model used by...

Bienvenue, Monsieur normal!
James Debono

Francois Hollande’s victory shows that the left can win an election without becoming something else. But can he change the direction of an entire continent?

Francois Hollande’s victory shows that the left can win...

It’s my party, and I won’t cry because I don’t want to
Raphael Vassallo

It might be worth reminding all three party leaders that political parties...

It might be worth reminding all three party leaders that...

Conversations on a black leather sofa
Saviour Balzan

He sat down on the black leather sofa. He stared at the Luciano Micallef painting as a bleep went off on his mobile.

He sat down on the black leather sofa. He stared at the...

Public opinion or silly perceptions?
Michael Falzon

Many comments posted under reports published in news portals provoke me to ask whether this country is one where idiocy rules.

Many comments posted under reports published in news...

Malta in the web of Maugeri
Evarist Bartolo

Malta’s financial and police authorities have so far shown no sense of urgency to investigate thoroughly the role played by Maltese institutions, companies...

Malta’s financial and police authorities have so far...

Everybody’s President
Raphael Vassallo

The President of the Republic made a disconcerting statement during a radio interview last Saturday.

The President of the Republic made a disconcerting...

Leave no child behind
Claudine Cassar

A couple of years ago I wrote an article suggesting that single mothers should be offered free childcare in order to enable them to work and better themselves.

A couple of years ago I wrote an article suggesting that...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on what's really causing backbencher Franco Debono's criticism and actions against government

MediaToday Managing Editor Saviour Balzan on what's really...

Human frights for those under arrest
Raphael Vassallo

The EU wants all suspected criminals placed under arrest to be informed of their rights by means of a letter. I wonder how that will turn out...

The EU wants all suspected criminals placed under arrest to...

Chicken noodles, Franco Debono and breakfast at Harrods
Saviour Balzan

I really don’t know where to start. It has been quite a week.

I really don’t know where to start. It has been quite a...