Boiler No. 7 all over again: Seven days of hell
Kurt Sansone
Robert Abela and Miriam Dalli keep referring to the sins of PN administrations past to defend the present… Who gives two hoots about what the PN did or did not do? What...
Enemalta has just admitted responsibility for the blackouts. Why does no one believe them?
Raphael Vassallo
The more I think about it today, however... the more I begin to realise that something, somewhere doesn’t quite ‘add up’
Farewell Berlusconi. Hello Monti
James Debono

Berlusconi was not a victim of Eurocrats but of Italian disillusionment with his populist style of government.

Berlusconi was not a victim of Eurocrats but of Italian...

The hall of mirrors: what’s the matter with the family budget?
Carmen Sammut

The PN’s effort to let its hair down also requires meaningful soul searching.

The PN’s effort to let its hair down also requires...

Chameleon politics
Saviour Balzan

If principles were as elastic and fickle as loyalty then we really should be experiencing an even bigger crisis in party politics.

If principles were as elastic and fickle as loyalty then we...

Full Monti
Claudine Cassar

Malta doesn't need a Monti government, but all parties should unite behind a series of specialists with advice un-tinted by blue or red.

Malta doesn't need a Monti government, but all parties...

A cuckoo’s nest
Michael Falzon

The best description of the GRTU today is probably ‘a cuckoo’s nest’ – the cuckoo has no nest, of course, but takes over other birds’ nests and makes...

The best description of the GRTU today is probably ‘a...

Chameleon politics
Saviour Balzan

If principles were as elastic and fickle as loyalty then we really should be experiencing an even bigger crisis in party politics.

If principles were as elastic and fickle as loyalty then we...

Saviour Balzan's videblog
Saviour Balzan

Managing editor Saviour Balzan on MaltaToday's 12th anniversary and how the PN media misreports the ousting of a Labour councillor.

Managing editor Saviour Balzan on MaltaToday's 12th...

Pretending that our students are sexless
Evarist Bartolo

We should deal openly with sex education for our children now that a new national curriculum is being discussed.

We should deal openly with sex education for our children...

Greatly overworked pair of hands
Greatly overworked pair of hands
Claudine Cassar

When I look at the government benches several adjectives spring to mind – however stable is not one of them.

When I look at the government benches several adjectives...

Be afraid. Be very afraid…
Raphael Vassallo

Being himself a Christian democrat, Tonio Borg sees no contradiction in a Constitution that on the one hand promises equal rights to all its citizens… and on...

Being himself a Christian democrat, Tonio Borg sees no...

testing dates
Bianca Caruana

testing dates

testing dates

Restoring trust in Parliament
Carmen Sammut

Dissenting backbenchers may have burnt their fingers, if not their whole political career. But MPs should not be afraid to speak their mind if we embrace...

Dissenting backbenchers may have burnt their fingers, if...

Publish and be damned!
Michael Falzon

More often than not, the clash between the right for privacy and public interest leads to grey areas.

More often than not, the clash between the right for...

Reflections on a vote foretold
James Debono

Nobody can escape the fundamental truth that Austin Gatt is still in government because of the speaker’s casting vote.

Nobody can escape the fundamental truth that Austin Gatt is...

Dear Austin... I am livid
James Debono

Dear minister, lowering standards to make up for the route fuck-up is not on and erodes the most positive aspect of the reform.

Dear minister, lowering standards to make up for the route...

Reflections  on a vote foretold
James Debono

Nobody can escape the fundamental truth that Austin Gatt is still in government because of the speaker’s casting vote.

Nobody can escape the fundamental truth that Austin Gatt...

Yellow Pages, a broken computer and a €220 million BWSC contract
Evarist Bartolo

Last Tuesday and Wednesday we had nearly eight hours of hearings by the...

Last Tuesday and Wednesday we had nearly eight hours of...