A party in flux
Michael Falzon
It seems that the PN must have understood this by now after so many electoral disasters. So Abela’s efforts should - in theory - also take care of this aspect
A renewed approach to international politics l John Grech
Malta is a small island with a big voice. Our nation stands to seize the moment to redefine its role on the international stage and continue to make bold, strategic moves that...
It’s all going Abela’s way... and he knows it
Raphael Vassallo

To consistently urge Robert Abela to ‘denounce the Joseph Muscat...

To consistently urge Robert Abela to ‘denounce the...

The questions we need to ask inside Labour
Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Those who have the party at heart need to ask: Is it a party that is still...

Those who have the party at heart need to ask: Is it a...

Reflections on a second Easter spent like this
Josanne Cassar

While we might complain that we cannot meet up with our entire family at once,...

While we might complain that we cannot meet up with our...

The great train robbery
Saviour Balzan

Castille served as a hub for allowing Joseph Muscat’s ‘chosen few’ to create structures to enrich themselves through kickbacks 

Castille served as a hub for allowing Joseph Muscat’s...

‘Mafia’ doesn’t mean ‘anyone you don’t like’
Raphael Vassallo

No matter how much of that perception is now destroyed by hindsight…...

No matter how much of that perception is now destroyed by...

Minimum wage and social justice | Rafel Grima

The gap between the haves and the have-nots in Malta is growing, and it has...

The gap between the haves and the have-nots in Malta is...

Apparatchiks and the problems of Maltese democracy | Kurt Borg

As a country, we need to destroy this political idolatry, to stop...

As a country, we need to destroy this political idolatry,...

Time for the mavericks?
Michael Falzon

Robert Abela is trying to clean Augean stables – a tight-rope exercise in which he is trying to balance the need for cleanliness with his need for the...

Robert Abela is trying to clean Augean stables – a...

Begging your pardon (again)...
Raphael Vassallo

This alone should be reason enough to remove the decision-making power from the Prime Minister’s hands, once and for all

This alone should be reason enough to remove the...

I think we’re going to need a bigger jail
Josanne Cassar

Those who refused to understand why Keith Schembri should have been removed...

Those who refused to understand why Keith Schembri should...

Disown Muscat now or face a worse scenario
Saviour Balzan

Because they believe that if Muscat’s memorable legacy is destroyed, the...

Because they believe that if Muscat’s memorable...

Gearing ourselves for a green economy
Aaron Farrugia

We need to continue gearing ourselves towards a sustainable development model where all citizens can grow, live, work, and age in an environment that optimises...

We need to continue gearing ourselves towards a sustainable...

One Health – health policy in a post-COVID world
Ralph Cassar

A question which begs an answer is how can a ‘One Health’ approach...

A question which begs an answer is how can a ‘One...

Keith Schembri and the Al Capone syndrome
Raphael Vassallo

For that, we would need to patiently follow all those remaining loose threads,...

For that, we would need to patiently follow all those...

Social media: easy to forget repercussions of words
Alex Agius Saliba

What we write online and what we decide to share with our friends and family...

What we write online and what we decide to share with our...

The Libyan frontier
Peter Agius

As friends of Libya we must extend the helping hand in rebuilding the country from the bottom up in all the different sectors where we have a good story to tell

As friends of Libya we must extend the helping hand in...

Even cavemen understood ‘sustainability’ better than us
Raphael Vassallo

So the irony, I suppose, is twofold: on one hand… well, we don’t...

So the irony, I suppose, is twofold: on one hand…...

Malta’s pentito?
Michael Falzon

Malta needs to start breathing fresh air that is not polluted by the type of foul and wicked culture that has been exposed

Malta needs to start breathing fresh air that is not...