MEP Miriam Dalli urges ‘urgent action’ to protect maritime environment
Miriam Dalli speaks ahead of G7 summit and says that more attention to the maritime environment is needed
Miriam Dalli speaks ahead of G7 summit and says that more...
European Agenda on Migration: European Commission adopting first proposals
Two weeks after presenting the European Agenda on Migration, the Commission is today adopting the first proposals of its comprehensive approach to improving...
Two weeks after presenting the European Agenda on...
Malta has biggest decrease in household electricity bills in EU
Most noticeable decrease in household electricity prices in national currency...
Most noticeable decrease in household electricity prices in...
Mizzi promotes local talent in Brussels
MEP Marlene Mizzi hosting two-day event to promote the maltese FIlm Industry and culture in Belgium
MEP Marlene Mizzi hosting two-day event to promote the...
EU military plan includes possible attack against Islamic State in Libya
Wikileaks leaks EU plan for military intervention against “refugee boats” in Libya showing that “political End State [of the military...
Wikileaks leaks EU plan for military intervention against...
Sant abstains on EP resolution over endorsement of Nato
‘Malta cannot participate in military alliance programmes’ says...
‘Malta cannot participate in military alliance...
European leaders meet to discuss EU strategy towards Eastern European countries
The European Eastern Partnership summit taking place today
The European Eastern Partnership summit taking place today
Immigration issues included in Libya peace talks
United Nations Special Representative to Libya, Bernardino Leon, confirms...
United Nations Special Representative to Libya, Bernardino...
Sant calls for EU policy on legal migration
Labour MEP says EU must discover why past development aid failed to improve the...
Labour MEP says EU must discover why past development aid...
Maltese MEPs call for responsibility sharing over migration
Miriam Dalli, Roberta Metsola and Marlene Mizzi address European Parliament:...
Miriam Dalli, Roberta Metsola and Marlene Mizzi address...
MEP Miriam Dalli says EU Agenda provides positive steps
MEP Miriam Dalli says that the EU Agenda on Migration provided some positive...
MEP Miriam Dalli says that the EU Agenda on Migration...
Brussels drawing up resettlement, border control and legal migration targets
Draft plans by EU show intensive agenda to strengthen border control in EU and in military presence in Africa, EU resettlement scheme for refugees, and create...
Draft plans by EU show intensive agenda to strengthen...
EP approves two reports for which MEP Mizzi was SnD rapporteur
The PETI Committee also approved with overwhelming majority another report on...
The PETI Committee also approved with overwhelming majority...
Sant demands ‘definited dateline’ for exit from EU’s asbestos offices
Maltese workforce inside Commission buildings exposed to asbestos
Maltese workforce inside Commission buildings exposed to...
European Commission projects local economy will remain strong
European Commission projects that Malta’s economic performance will stay...
European Commission projects that Malta’s economic...
MEP says EU-African Union Summit will be the 'first step' to addressing immigration
The EU-African Union summit will be the first step to addressing the source of immigration - Miriam Dalli MEP
The EU-African Union summit will be the first step to...
'Immigration has become a security crisis' - Sant
Sant said that blockading action outside the coasts of North Africa is the...
Sant said that blockading action outside the coasts of...
Sant wants blockade outside Libya to stop traffickers
Labour MEP dubs humanitarian crisis ‘a security crisis’ that could...
Labour MEP dubs humanitarian crisis ‘a security...