Sant proposes return to ‘sane appreciation’ of EU-Russian relations
Labour MEP says Russian sanctions distracting EU from countering terrorism
Mizzi appointed S&D rapporteur on revision of the European Citizens' initiative
The European citizens' initiative (ECI) is the first ever transnational tool of participatory democracy empowering citizens with a new right of legislative initiative. 
MaltaToday surveys: how we charted voters over the year

Months on end of regular polling charted voters' loyalties to Labour and...

Months on end of regular polling charted voters'...

MEPs’ loyalty to political groupings and attendance records

How did Malta's six MEPs reflect their European and national political...

How did Malta's six MEPs reflect their European and...

2014 European elections: latest projections of seats in the Parliament

How will the European Parliament look after the European elections on 22-25 May? No-one has the answer, but the question is on everyone’s mind.

How will the European Parliament look after the European...

21,856 voting documents left uncollected

Increase in uncollected documents registered as Malta prepares to take part in its third European Parliament elections

Increase in uncollected documents registered as Malta...

Wilders' far-right party suffers dip in Dutch EP vote

Dutch support has shifted away from Geert Wilders' far-right in favor of...

Dutch support has shifted away from Geert Wilders'...

‘Vote for Labour to change Malta and Europe’ – Prime Minister

Former dockyard workers now employed in IPSL to receive a pay rise following an...

Former dockyard workers now employed in IPSL to receive a...

PN leadership in final appeal to switchers

Nationalist party deputy leaders close party’s campaign with last-ditch...

Nationalist party deputy leaders close party’s...

‘Wake up and smell the coffee’, Busuttil tells Muscat

In PN's final political activity before European elections, PN leader Simon...

In PN's final political activity before European...

Labour MEPs openly backed by hunting lobby

The FKNK has told members it is supporting three candidates

The FKNK has told members it is supporting three candidates

Updated | MP, former mayor file defamation suit over PN sticker album

Former PN international secretary John Bonello files libel suit on behalf of...

Former PN international secretary John Bonello files libel...

There for you

By Marlene Mizzi, Labour candidate for MEP

By Marlene Mizzi, Labour candidate for MEP

An appeal to you

By Stefano Mallia, PN candidate for MEP

By Stefano Mallia, PN candidate for MEP

Labour needs Marlene Mizzi in the European Parliament - Muscat

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat endorses Marlene Mizzi’s EP candidature as...

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat endorses Marlene Mizzi’s...

European challenges for the next five years

By Alfred Sant, Labour candidate for MEP

By Alfred Sant, Labour candidate for MEP

More or less Europe?

By Therese Comodini Cachia, PN candidate for MEP

By Therese Comodini Cachia, PN candidate for MEP

[Watch] No answer as to why PN left out Bondì from ‘sticker album’

PN secretary-general Chris Said does not explain reason for leaving out meritocracy "poster-boy" Lou Bondì from its sticker album of blue-eyed...

PN secretary-general Chris Said does not explain reason for...

Saviour Balzan’s videoblog

MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan on the European Parliament campiagn

MaltaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan on the European...

AD calls for a consensual national immigration policy

Now is the time for the drafting of a consensual national immigration policy,...

Now is the time for the drafting of a consensual national...