Paternity leave will be extended to self-employed parents, Prime Minister announces
Zammit Lewis nomination shows Abela only interested in Labour’s partisan interests: PN
[WATCH] Robert Abela insists Malta got 'one of the strongest portfolios' in Von der Leyen's team
[WATCH] Abela defends libel law reform but warns of abuse by a 'small clique'
Robert Abela: ‘We are not narrators of the past, but writers of the future’
Abela and Labour administration sign Karl Gouder’s condolences book
Budget 2025 will send a clear signal on where we want the country in the next five years: PM
Abela should not replace inexperience with entitlement
Abela raises expectations with ‘historic’ tax cut targeting disgruntled middle class
Robert Abela slams 'baseless attacks' on Byron Camilleri, Jo Etienne Abela
PM denies knowledge of alleged LESA racket, Home Affairs Minister calls it 'desperate attack'
A party in flux
Michael Falzon
Repubblika blasts Robert Abela allegations on involvement in Vitals investigation
Upcoming budget to include tax cuts benefiting middle class: PM
Abela’s style of leadership main reason behind party and government woes - Labour insiders
Labour’s meltdown risk
Mark Said
Government mulling legal changes that would allow accused to contest extradition
Where was ‘Bobby’ when Rome was burning? l Frank Camilleri
Bernard Grech: Abela’s public roles ‘musical chairs’ an attempt to save himself
Repubblika slams De Battista ambassadorship
Cartoon: 11 August 2024
Abela’s tightrope: Keep rivals close, but where’s the chemistry?
Labour CEO appointment causes friction in the party
Former Labour mayor mulls deputy leadership run, against statute change
‘Government has failed in every sector,’ Grech says
‘Back the prime minister’ is Labour ministers’ line to take on Facebook
Labour Party fears Joseph Muscat takeover by proxy
Robert Abela on Jason Micallef: 'When your time is up, don't come back'
Bernard Grech slams 'weak' Prime Minister, Labour defends itself against 'lies'
Repubblika blasts Robert Abela for giving in to Edward Scicluna
PN: Robert Abela has no support left from the Labour Party
Scicluna debacle: Robert Abela hoist by his own bullish attitude
[WATCH] Abela insists he has 'unanimous' support of cabinet, disregards contradicting reports as 'spin'
[WATCH] Cabinet members agree with Robert Abela's pick for Malta's next EU Commissioner
Government is running the country without a plan, Grech says
Abela: ‘We will not let a few people benefit at the expense of many’
Robert Abela in Paris ahead of Olympic games opening ceremony
Abela says Malta has enough cab drivers and couriers after hundreds have permits refused
Updated |Glenn Micallef is Abela's choice for Malta's next European Commissioner
Updated | Opposition leader requests urgent parliamentary discussion on Edward Scicluna