Migration on agenda of Malta meeting for Western Mediterranean foreign ministers
The 5+5 dialogue meeting will bring together Malta, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania
Merkel visits Greece in show of 'EU solidarity' amid protests
Observers say the visit is a chance to move past a difficult relationship between Berlin and Athens
Former Italian PM Berlusconi threatens to topple Monti government

Italian ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi threatens to bring down Mario Monti’s...

Italian ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi threatens to bring down...

Iraq hit by deadly attacks on Eid al-Adha holiday

At least 30 killed in series of attacks during Eid al-Adha holiday which...

At least 30 killed in series of attacks during Eid al-Adha...

Berlusconi set to appeal against prison sentence

Lawyers of former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi set to appeal against his...

Lawyers of former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi set to...

Hurricane Sandy moves up US Atlantic coast

Hurricane Sandy could merge with a winter storm to create what they have dubbed...

Hurricane Sandy could merge with a winter storm to create...

Riots in Myanmar as communal tensions rise

At least 67 deaths reported in new outbreak of violence between Rohingya...

At least 67 deaths reported in new outbreak of violence...

African migrants found dead off Morocco coast

At least 14 people have drowned after a boat believed to be carrying African...

At least 14 people have drowned after a boat believed to be...

Obama casts early ballot in Chicago

President Barack Obama has cast his vote in his hometown of Chicago as his campaign seeks to boost early ballots in a neck-and-neck election race.

President Barack Obama has cast his vote in his hometown of...

Eid ceasefire 'takes effect' in Syria

A four-day ceasefire to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha has come into effect in Syria, but the army warns it will retaliate against rebel attacks.

A four-day ceasefire to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid...

Big tobacco pays EU €1.65 billion to fight contraband cigarettes, MEPs demand agreements

Budgetary control committee MEPs demand non-public documents on EU cooperation agreements with tobacco industry, hold meeting with OLAF chief Giovanni Kessler...

Budgetary control committee MEPs demand non-public...

EP requests additional information on Dalli's resignation, adopts arrangements for Borg's hearing

European Parliament President Martin Schulz formally asks European Commission President José Manuel Barroso to provide Parliament with comprehensive...

European Parliament President Martin Schulz formally asks...

British Labour MEP to refer OLAF investigation to European Ombudsman

Labour MEP Phil Prendergast to refer OLAF investigation into former...

Labour MEP Phil Prendergast to refer OLAF investigation...

Benghazi US Consulate attack suspect dies in Cairo shootout

Man suspected of involvement in Benghazi US consulate attack killed in Cairo...

Man suspected of involvement in Benghazi US consulate...

Bank of America sued for $1 billion for allegedly selling toxic home loans

Bank of America sued for $1 billion (€769 million) for allegedly selling thousands of toxic home loans to government agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Bank of America sued for $1 billion (€769 million) for...

Cuba struck by category two Hurricane Sandy

National Hurricane Centre in US says Hurricane Sandy hit Cuba after sweeping...

National Hurricane Centre in US says Hurricane Sandy hit...

Israel and Hamas in unofficial truce negotiations

Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant movement controlling Gaza, are said...

Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant movement...

[WATCH] War of words between Commission president and John Dalli

Attorney General passes on John Dalli OLAF investigation to police

Attorney General passes on John Dalli OLAF investigation to...

OLAF denies supervisory committee’s former president’s resignation

EU anti-fraud office says former president remains a member of the supervisory committee.

EU anti-fraud office says former president remains a member...

EU ministers agree on harmonised living standards for asylum seekers

New rules allow prison accommodation for asylum seekers if there is no space...

New rules allow prison accommodation for asylum seekers if...