Gaza ceasefire restored following border clash
A second surge of violence along the Gaza border has been followed by a second ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas this week
At least 14 wounded in suspected knife attack in Lubeck, Germany
At least 14 people were injured, two of them seriously, in a suspected knife attack on a bus in the German city 
Tunisian ousted leader Ben Ali and wife sentenced to 35 years

A Tunisian court has sentenced former...

A Tunisian court has sentenced former...

UNHCR report: 80% of world’s refugees in developing countries

A UNHCR report released today reveals deep imbalance in international support...

A UNHCR report released today reveals deep imbalance in...

Trial for ousted Tunisian leader Ben Ali begins in absentia

The trial in absentia of ousted Tunisian...

The trial in absentia of ousted Tunisian...

Eurozone delays decision over Greek €12bn loan

Eurozone finance ministers have postponed their decision on the €12bn...

Eurozone finance ministers have postponed their decision...

EU foreign ministers toughen sanctions on Belarus businesses

UK foreign secretary pushing for sanctions against Belarus oligarch turned...

UK foreign secretary pushing for sanctions against...

EU ministers postpone €12 billion Greece loan until further cuts

Eurozone finance ministers have postponed their decision on a €12...

Eurozone finance ministers have postponed their decision...

Radiation halts Japanese water clean-up efforts

Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant operators suspend contaminated water...

Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant operators suspend...

Libyan government claims talks with rebels

Libya's prime minister has claimed his government has been in talks with...

Libya's prime minister has claimed his government has...

Spanish court sets €27 million for Mubarak associate

Spain's National Court sets a record bail figure following the detention...

Spain's National Court sets a record bail figure...

Merkel and Sarkozy urge second Greek bail-out

German and French leaders insist on a new rescue package for...

German and French leaders insist on a new rescue package...

South Korean soldiers shoot at passenger plane after mistaking it for fighter jet

South Korean Marines fired rifles at a South Korean commercial aircraft flying near the sea border with North Korea, thinking it was one of the communist...

South Korean Marines fired rifles at a South Korean...

Syrian troops move into towns in north

Syrian troops travelling on tanks, armoured personnel carriers and buses have moved into two northern towns.

Syrian troops travelling on tanks, armoured personnel...

Saudi women defy drive ban

Saudi women are set to defy a ban on driving Friday, one month after Manal al-Sharif was jailed for taking the wheel and posting footage of her rebellious...

Saudi women are set to defy a ban on driving Friday, one...

Libya | rebels push towards Tripoli

In the latest development of the conflict in Libya, rebels pushed deeper into government-held territory south of the capital yesterday.

In the latest development of the conflict in Libya,...

Video | Greek PM expected to reshuffle cabinet amid pressures to avoid default

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is expected to form a new cabinet later today and seek a vote of confidence from his fractious Socialist party, in a...

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is expected to...

High-profile hacktivist group claims CIA website shutdown

The hacker group Lulz Security claims it shuts down the public-facing website...

The hacker group Lulz Security claims it shuts down the...

UN accuses both sides in Ivorian Coast conflict of violations

The UN says both sides committed crimes in the months of post-electoral...

The UN says both sides committed crimes in the months of...

Zawahiri succeeds slain Bin Laden

Al-Qaeda announced its second in command Ayman al-Zawahiri to succeed its slain chief Osama bin Laden and vowed to relentlessly pursue its "jihad'...

Al-Qaeda announced its second in command Ayman...