Film Review | That sweet, sweet moral vacuum
War Dogs makes room for a little hand-holding, which somewhat muddies the moral waters • 4/5
‘Spectre’ tops most watched movies among 700,000 cinema admissions in 2015
In 2015, cinemas in Malta and Gozo projected 375 different film titles and registered a total of 704,243 admissions
Angelina Jolie may return to Malta for touted  ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ remake

Actress touted for Kenneth Branagh remake of ‘Orient Express’ was last in Malta to film movie By The Sea entirely on Gozo

Actress touted for Kenneth Branagh remake of ‘Orient...

When the city became a cinema | Valletta Film Festival – 2016

With the second edition of the Valletta Film Festival celebrating its closing...

With the second edition of the Valletta Film Festival...

Film Review | Parents

Danish actor Christian Tafdrup takes a stab at feature film directing with a thematically resonant but narratively sketchy debut, which juggles worthy themes...

Danish actor Christian Tafdrup takes a stab at feature film...

The burning puzzle of horror cinema | The Wicker Man

Malta will play host to one of the cult figures of horror cinema next week, as...

Malta will play host to one of the cult figures of horror...

Film Review | Fire at Sea

Gianfranco Rosi’s award-winning, dispassionate exploration of the migrant crisis is set to be the highlight of the upcoming Valletta Film Festival

Gianfranco Rosi’s award-winning, dispassionate...

Film Review | Desert Dancer

An Iranian dance troupe organises a secret performance in an attempt to escape the prying eyes of the regime

An Iranian dance troupe organises a secret performance in...

Hollywood Reporter’s front cover features Malta

Malta’s majestic Silent City makes it to the front cover of Hollywood...

Malta’s majestic Silent City makes it to the front...

Trailer Park | Assassin's Creed

Filmed in Malta last summer and starring Michael Fassbender, the adaptation of the hit Renaissance-era stalk-and-slash video game finally gets a full-length...

Filmed in Malta last summer and starring Michael...

[WATCH] Maltese film industry eligible for tax deductions

Tourism minister launches 150% tax deduction scheme to boost investment in...

Tourism minister launches 150% tax deduction scheme to...

Remake worth attention | The Jungle Book

MARCO ATTARD • The film excels on a simply astonishing level, as both its various creatures and the jungle they inhabit represent a new standard for the...

MARCO ATTARD • The film excels on a simply astonishing...

First Jordanian film nominated for an Oscar

The film was shot entirely in Jordan and could become the first ever Arab...

The film was shot entirely in Jordan and could become the...

Film Review | 10 Cloverfield Lane

Though he doesn’t always hit the jackpot, J.J. Abrams sure knows how to cleave close to the entertainment sweet spot in a way that still elicits surprise...

Though he doesn’t always hit the jackpot, J.J. Abrams...

Film Review | Hail, Caesar!

The Coen Bros return with an effervescent Hollywood satire whose cheeky depths never stunt its screwball rhythm

The Coen Bros return with an effervescent Hollywood satire...

Cypriot MPs’ anger at film relocation to Malta

BBC feature directed by Sean Connery’s son Jason chooses Malta over its...

BBC feature directed by Sean Connery’s son Jason...

Film Reivew | London Has Fallen

Pandering to Islamophobia and crammed with action movie cliches, this latest entry in the 'make sure the American president doesn't get killed'...

Pandering to Islamophobia and crammed with action movie...

Film Review | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This bloated mess is little more than an exercise in franchise building......

This bloated mess is little more than an exercise in...

Entertainer Ronnie Corbett passes away aged 85

Corbett first came to fame on The Frost Report in the 1960s but was best known...

Corbett first came to fame on The Frost Report in the 1960s...

Oscar-winning actress Patty Duke dies aged 69

As well as a best supporting Oscar, Duke won an Emmy in 1980 for playing Helen...

As well as a best supporting Oscar, Duke won an Emmy in...