Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

Articles by this author
Two hospitalised after crashing into crash barrier
Court & Police
Two people driving on Marfa Road were hospitalised this morning after losing control of their car and crashing into a crash barrier
Two schools open summer learning support centres in pilot project
Most of the students who attend the centres will have faced considerable emotional or social problems throughout the year, affecting their schoolwork
Updated| Man loses life after being hit by a taxi
Court & Police
Europe's top Olympic official arrested in Rio ticketing probe
Four Gozitans hospitalised after collision
Court & Police
Mahrez signs new Leicester deal
AD urges public to boycott bond issue to finance towers
Cisco Systems planning to axe 14,000 jobs
Business News
Tourism authority clamps down on Comino overcrowding
Tremor felt in Maltese localities
NGO raises over €2,000 for comics at Floriana Public Library
Large fines for English firms giving advice on aggressive tax avoidance
Pirates attack two ships in Indonesian waters in 48 hours
Maltese illustrator wins World Illustration Award