No, Mr defence lawyer. It does not matter what she was wearing
Josanne Cassar
I thought we had got past the atrocious practice of asking a victim what she was wearing when she was sexually assaulted or raped. But in 2023 Malta, apparently not.
Best in the world, just worse than Congo and Montenegro...
Saviour Balzan
Malta has historically been on the low end of the wider press freedom rankings, but then again, do we deserve to be down at 84?
David Friggieri

Pay particular attention to the ‘smart’ political operators who only emerge from the woodwork when change is not only an option but a matter of...

Pay particular attention to the ‘smart’...

Stranded... in the age of mobility
Carmen Sammut

Malta desperately needs to develop a holistic plan to improve its internal and external mobility.

Malta desperately needs to develop a holistic plan to...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

How Joseph Cuschieri expressed disappointment at Malta's ratification of a second bailout loan for the Greek government, without having demanded...

How Joseph Cuschieri expressed disappointment at...

Arrivare tardi
James Debono

My first-hand experience on Arriva's second day: a courteous driver, an air-conditioned ride... but still one hour late for work. (updated to include...

My first-hand experience on Arriva's second day: a...

The hunt for the ‘liberals’
Caroline Muscat

The rise of illiberalism within the PN has been too strong for their appeal to ‘liberals’ to be credible. If GonziPN wants to reestablish itself,...

The rise of illiberalism within the PN has been too...

The spectre of a Greek tragedy
James Debono

The Nationalist government prides itself on the fact that it has saved Malta from a Greek predicament. But how similar is Malta to the care-free Greece which...

The Nationalist government prides itself on the fact that...

Sliema, as we want it to be
Michael Briguglio

At the end of the day we have a government and council which are more often than not subservient to the interests of big business.

At the end of the day we have a government and council...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

The PN general council, the respect for truth, and understanding the Prime Minister's mathematical democracy.

The PN general council, the respect for truth, and...

People are right to be angry
Evarist Bartolo

MFSA should not handle and investigate consumer complaints anymore. We need a Financial Services Ombudsman to protect consumers.

MFSA should not handle and investigate consumer...

Saviour Balzan's videoblog
Saviour Balzan

MediaToday Managing editor Saviour Balzan on the result of the referendum and what affects society.

MediaToday Managing editor Saviour Balzan on the result...

Heads must roll
Michael Falzon

Someone must be responsible for the administrative mistake that led to the ministerial salary increase being carried out behind people’s backs.

Someone must be responsible for the administrative...

The second slaughter of the innocents
Evarist Bartolo

Government and MFSA must assume their political, social and legal responsibilities and protect BOV investors.

Government and MFSA must assume their political, social...

Liberals in a brave new Malta
James Debono

Post-divorce Malta sees both major parties portraying themselves as a natural home for liberals. Positive, but full blooded liberals have reasons to remain...

Post-divorce Malta sees both major parties portraying...

Cute politics and adorable animals
Carmen Sammut

While the dog Star story became viral, a quasi-anonymous Bulgarian woman’s murder in Qawra did not impact the national agenda.

While the dog Star story became viral, a quasi-anonymous...

Dr Gonzi, go. Just get up and leave
Saviour Balzan

The only thing that keeps the Prime Minister in his place are his regiment of recipients of exclusive tenders and his posse of political appointees.

The only thing that keeps the Prime Minister in his place...

This is a Constitutional crisis
David Friggieri

Our duty as responsible citizens is to refuse to be appeased by promises that ‘the vote will pass anyway’.

Our duty as responsible citizens is to refuse to be...

This blame game on the media is going nowhere
Matthew Vella

When the no movement blames the media, it secretly despises the way popular...

When the no movement blames the media, it secretly...

Vote yes or resign
James Debono

MPs who cannot bring themselves to ratify the result of the referendum should quit.

MPs who cannot bring themselves to ratify the result of...