Kim Jong-nam murder: Vietnamese woman pleads guilty to lesser charge
A Vietnamese woman accused of killing Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea's leader, has pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of causing hurt by potentially deadly means
Ukraine comic leads presidential poll first round
A comedian with no political experience has won the most votes in the first round of Ukraine's presidential elections, according to exit polls
Government forces and rebels poised for peace talks in South Sudan

President and rebels are to meet for peace talks in Ethiopia’s capital

President and rebels are to meet for peace talks in...

Schumacher’s condition stable but still critical

Former F1 champion Michael Schumacher’s agent says condition remained stable...

Former F1 champion Michael Schumacher’s agent says...

Landmark decision rules transgender bathroom ban discriminatory

US high court says school’s barring transgender student from using girls’...

US high court says school’s barring transgender student...

Volgograd blasts: IOC 'confident' Games will be safe

The International Olympic Committee president says he has confidence that...

The International Olympic Committee president says he has...

Michael Schumacher's family in bedside vigil after ski accident

The family of German motor-racing champion Michael Schumacher is at his bedside...

The family of German motor-racing champion Michael...

Helicopter rescue for ice-bound ship Akademik Shokalskiy

Passengers and some crew on a ship stuck in thick ice in Antarctica are to be...

Passengers and some crew on a ship stuck in thick ice in...

Russia's Mikhail Khodorkovsky granted Switzerland visa

Switzerland has granted a three-month visa to the former Russian oil tycoon...

Switzerland has granted a three-month visa to the former...

Schumacher's condition improves

German motor-racing champion Michael Schumacher's condition has improved slightly after an operation to relieve pressure on his brain, his doctors have said.

German motor-racing champion Michael Schumacher's condition...

Hollande’s controversial 75% tax rate approved

France’s highest court approves tax bracket for earners over €1 million

France’s highest court approves tax bracket for earners...

Deadly bomb strikes Russia's Volgograd

At least 15 dead in a blast in the Russian city of Volgograd, in what officials say is the second suicide attack there in two days.

At least 15 dead in a blast in the Russian city of...

China says police kill 8 'terrorists' in Xinjiang

Police in the northwest region of Xinjiang killed eight people after what they...

Police in the northwest region of Xinjiang killed eight...

Saudi pledges $3 billion grant to Lebanese army

Lebanon's president announces a $3 billion grant from Saudi Arabia, shortly...

Lebanon's president announces a $3 billion grant from Saudi...

Volcano erupts in El Salvador prompting evacuations

Authorities in El Salvador evacuate areas surrounding the Chaparrastique...

Authorities in El Salvador evacuate areas surrounding the...

Schumacher 'has second operation'

Former F1 world champion is fighting for his life in hospital after skiing accident in French Alps on Sunday.

Former F1 world champion is fighting for his life in...

Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli surrounded by army

The Corinthia Hotel Tripoli was surrounded by the Libyan army following threats...

The Corinthia Hotel Tripoli was surrounded by the Libyan...

Malta condemns Beirut blast, calls for stability in Lebanon

The Government of Malta condemns terrorist attack in Beirut which killed former...

The Government of Malta condemns terrorist attack in Beirut...

Government forces 'regain control' of DR Congo capital

Congo's government spokesman says an armed group has attacked the state TV and...

Congo's government spokesman says an armed group has...

Snow Dragon fails to melt ice

Chinese ice-breaking ship the ‘Snow Dragon’ failed to reach Russian Academic ship ‘Shokalskiy’ and break it free from its ice trap, after thick ice...

Chinese ice-breaking ship the ‘Snow Dragon’ failed to...