Film Review | Tangled
There's not a hair out of place in Disney's Tangled - a jazzed-up version of Rapunzel for the gender-correct noughties.
There's not a hair out of place in Disney's...
Trailer Park | X-Men: First Class
In what is possibly the very first superhero period piece, Marvel unveil the origin of their popular mutant team, amidst the Cuban Missile Crisis and the...
In what is possibly the very first superhero period...
Trailer Park | Captain America: The First Avenger
Marvel lets us in on a first glimpse of their new blockbuster about the...
Marvel lets us in on a first glimpse of their new...
Film Review | The Girl Who Played With Fire
The original was a bolt from the blue - an adrenaline jolt of a movie from...
The original was a bolt from the blue - an adrenaline...
Actress Maria Schneider dies
Best known for playing Jeanne opposite Marlon Brando in the 1972 motion picture Last Tango in Paris, she passed away on Thursday morning after...
Best known for playing Jeanne opposite Marlon...
Trailer Park | Black Death
As the Black Death grips Europe, a ragtag team of knights investigate a village that appears to be immune to the plague.
As the Black Death grips Europe, a ragtag team of knights...
Film Review | 127 Hours
Danny Boyle's Oscar-contender is an absorbing, life-affirming experience.
Danny Boyle's Oscar-contender is an absorbing,...
Video | ‘The King's Speech’ scores royal flush at Oscar nominations
Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush have all been nominated for acting Oscars.
Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush have...
Film Review | The Green Hornet
The long awaited superhero adventure from indie auteur Michel Gondry and slacker demi-god Seth Rogen is nothing but a buzz-kill after all.
The long awaited superhero adventure from indie auteur...
Daniel Craig to play James Bond for the third time
A new James Bond film has been approved and is due for release on 9 November...
A new James Bond film has been approved and is due for...
Film Review | Machete
It's a messy bar brawl of a film, but Robert Rodriguez's long awaited Tex-Mex blood-and-broads bonanza delivers on all counts.
It's a messy bar brawl of a film, but Robert...
Trailer Park | Somewhere
An apathetic film star gets a wake up call when his estranged daughter comes to visit, in Sofia Coppola's latest.
An apathetic film star gets a wake up call when his...

Trailer Park | The King's Speech
When Bertie - the Royal with a stammer - is suddenly made King George VI, he is forced to overcome his impediment to inspire England on the brink of WWII.
When Bertie - the Royal with a stammer - is suddenly made...
Trailer Park | The Tree of Life
Celebrate the return of Terence Malick with what's probably the most moving trailer of the year.
Celebrate the return of Terence Malick with what's...
Trailer Park | Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Time for another pirate adventure! Johnny Depp's beloved Jack Sparrow...
Time for another pirate adventure! Johnny Depp's...
Film Review | The Tourist
You're probably already sold on it, but The Tourist fails to deliver any real thrills despite the ravishing beauty of its stars.
You're probably already sold on it, but The Tourist...
Film Review | Megamind
Dreamworks' supervillain comedy is a perfect distraction as the hectic holiday season gets underway.
Dreamworks' supervillain comedy is a perfect...
Trailer Park | Thor
Following a grainy, Comic Con leaked teaser last summer, Marvel finally releases a polished preview of its next superhero smash, culled from Norse mythology...
Following a grainy, Comic Con leaked teaser last summer,...