AD recalls EU motto ‘united in diversity’, urges people to vote
Alternattiva Demokratika –The Green Party has reiterated its call and...
Alternattiva Demokratika –The Green Party has...
Updated | Republic Street transformed into ‘wedding’ venue
People out and about in Valletta this morning found themselves walking into a...
People out and about in Valletta this morning found...
Divorce should come before cohabitation regulation, says Moviment Iva
Regulating cohabitation before providing the option for separated couples to...
Regulating cohabitation before providing the option for...
Gonzi refuses to publish cohabitation bill draft before referendum
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando asks PM to reveal cohabitation bill before divorce...
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando asks PM to reveal cohabitation...
Updated | Children's Commissioner misinterpreted my study on divorce' - psychologist
The author of a study on the effects of divorce on children cited by the Commissioner of Children has rejected the misinterpretation of the her work.
The author of a study on the effects of divorce on...
BA censors pro-divorce spots over complaint from Cana Movement founder
Clips of statements by Moviment Cana founder Mgr Charles Vella speaking on civil divorce were taken off the air by the Broadcasting...
Clips of statements by Moviment Cana founder...
BA refutes claims of impartiality, slams undue ‘pressure’
The Broadcasting Authority dismissed claims of discrimination...
The Broadcasting Authority dismissed claims of...
Referendum flights: extra Air Malta flights, call centre hours extended
Air Malta is making travel arrangements for eligible Maltese voters currently abroad to travel on its services to enable them to vote in the forthcoming...
Air Malta is making travel arrangements for eligible...
Iva calls on UHM to investigate reports of intimidation
Pro-divorce lobby Moviment Iva has called on the...
Pro-divorce lobby Moviment Iva has called on...
Pro divorce Catholics launch movement, 'we have duty to avoid State-imposed morality'
A new pro-divorce Catholic movement has announced its impending launch this week, stressing that Catholics are duty-bound to ensure that no morality is...
A new pro-divorce Catholic movement has announced its...
Catholics must vote in line with Church teachings – Archbishop
Catholic believers’ voting decision must be consistent with their...
Catholic believers’ voting decision must be...

Pullicino Orlando says President is reviewing cohabitation bill
If it is ready, why hasn't the draft law on cohabitation been published?...
If it is ready, why hasn't the draft law on...
Children's Commissioner accused of distorting divorce study
Studies cited by the Children's Commissioner to suggest higher incidence...
Studies cited by the Children's Commissioner to...
Prime Minister, ‘Society must bow its head to the family’
Lawrence Gonzi claims referendum decision is “irreversible”.
Lawrence Gonzi claims referendum decision is...
Cana president, 'Are marriages going to last until you're a size 10?'
The first televised debate between the two sides in the divorce referendum...
The first televised debate between the two sides in the...
PN says Prime Minister willing to meet Moviment Iva
Representatives of the pro-divorce lobby today complained of not having been...
Representatives of the pro-divorce lobby today complained...