Unimpressed by results, education ministry ditches charity’s ‘expensive’ English-language programme
English-Speaking Union requested almost fourfold increase in budget for English language programme offered in some government schools
Notary Tony Abela, former PN parliamentary secretary, dies at 66
Rabat notary Tony Abela has passed away • He served as national defence parliamentary secretary between 2003 and 2008
Budget 2011 | Highlights from Tonio Fenech's budget speech

Full Budget Speech from Finance Minister Tonio Fenech's budget speech.

Full Budget Speech from Finance Minister Tonio...

Delimara | MT stands by its story as Maltese officials engaged French diplomats  to lobby EU Commissioner Michel Barnier

Officials from Malta’s Permanent Representation in Brussels held unofficial meetings with French diplomats and discussed EU Commissioner Michel...

Officials from Malta’s Permanent Representation in...

Labour choose new party logo

The Labour Party has finalised its selection process for its new logo.

The Labour Party has finalised its selection process for...

Oppostion calls on Government to address hazardous waste issue seriously

Leo Brincat, Labour’s main spokesperson for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, said that “it is high time that the...

Leo Brincat, Labour’s main spokesperson for the...

MaltaToday Sunday edition to publish survey on Cabinet ministers

MaltaToday survey compares popularity of ministers with PN and PL voters.

MaltaToday survey compares popularity of ministers with...

ILLUM to publish survey of perception on divorce and sin

What do the Maltese think of divorce and sin?  Illum investigates

What do the Maltese think of divorce and sin?  Illum...

French lobbied Barnier on Delimara, in return for toned-down reaction on Roma expulsion

In Brussels, Malta asked French diplomats to lobby 'Delimara' commissioner Michel Barnier in return for toned down reaction to Roma people...

In Brussels, Malta asked French diplomats to lobby...

WATCH | Emmanuel Mallia calls for amendments to Whistleblower's Act

Prominent criminal lawyer Emmanuel Mallia has called for amendments to the...

Prominent criminal lawyer Emmanuel Mallia has called for...

Updated: Gift of Life jump the gun after MEP tells pro-lifers he changed 'abortion' vote

Pro-life lobby issued premature statement on Labour party's position on abortion without asking MEP on his vote against an amendment to stop EU funds to...

Pro-life lobby issued premature statement on Labour...

Alternattiva Demokratika welcomes EP maternity and paternity leave vote

Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party welcomed the European Parliament vote strengthening EU rules on paid minimum maternity leave.

Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party welcomed the...

Malta’s position on maternity leave proposal unchanged

Malta set to join UK at European Council to block plans to expand maternity...

Malta set to join UK at European Council to block plans...

Updated | Prime Minister in Greece for Mediterranean Climate Change Initiative

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has joined Mediterranean leaders met at a Greek seaside resort to launch a regional initiative to strengthen dialogue and...

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has joined Mediterranean...

SOUNDSLIDE | Whistleblowers' Act 'not a washing machine' for corruption - minister

Justice and Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici responds to criticism of the Whistleblowers’ Act by criminal lawyer Emmanuel Mallia.

Justice and Home Affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici...

85,000 flu vaccine available as from next Monday

As from next Monday, October 25 the seasonal flu vaccine will be made...

As from next Monday, October 25 the seasonal flu vaccine...

CMTU welcomes EP's approval of maternity leave extension
‘No limit’ to Labour’s dishonesty, PN says in denial of Gonzi’s ‘sick’ comment

‘Labour putting words in Prime Minister’s mouth’, PN statement.

‘Labour putting words in Prime Minister’s...

Finance ministry says French lobby claims are 'total fabrication'

The finance ministry has stepped in to claim that a MaltaToday report,...

The finance ministry has stepped in to claim that a...

Hold-up in Gzira

Police are investigating a hold-up by armed men on two women in a shop in Gzira.

Police are investigating a hold-up by armed men on two...