[WATCH] Today Debate on divorce
Excerpts from the Today Debate's proceedings on the question 'Will we be better off with divorce in Malta?'
Excerpts from the Today Debate's proceedings on the...
Updated | BA accused of ‘succumbing to pressure’ of anti-divorce lobby
Pro-divorce movement makes official complaint to BA over PBS news coverage.
Pro-divorce movement makes official complaint to BA over...
[LIVE blog] The Today Debate - ‘Will we be better off with divorce in Malta?’
Follow our live blog from The Palace Hotel, Sliema where the Today Debate on divorce is taking place.
Follow our live blog from The Palace Hotel, Sliema where...
Follow the Today Debate on divorce
Live blogging of Today Debate – post your questions here
Live blogging of Today Debate – post your questions...
Commission correspondence confirms decision to use updated electoral register for divorce referendum
Electronic correspondence penned by Electoral Commission Secretary General Joseph Calleja confirms the decision to delay the divorce referendum...
Electronic correspondence penned by Electoral Commission...
Children should be used in anti-divorce campaign – Fr Joe Borg
Media studies lecturer Fr Joe Borg suggests tapping of parishes for children...
Media studies lecturer Fr Joe Borg suggests tapping of...
Fr Joe Borg slams reports as ‘bullying’
Media studies lecturer Fr Joe Borg described MaltaToday reports that...
Media studies lecturer Fr Joe Borg described MaltaToday...
Divorce doesn’t ruin marriage, 'it's a state of fact' - Moviment Iva
Divorce is not creating separations and breakdown in marriages, it is simply declaring a state of fact, pro-divorce campaigner Dr. Deborah Schembri said.
Divorce is not creating separations and breakdown in...
Divorce exports problems of abusive marriages to new relationships - MP
Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami has argued that abusive husbands will move on to other abusive marriages and bring with them new pressures on their second...
Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami has argued that abusive...
Divorce referendum | ‘Give all young voters the right to vote’ - AD
Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party accused both the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party for “acting in a...
Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party accused...
Divorce issue ‘reduced to polarised debate’ – Family Studies Centre Director
Maltese families are among the strongest in the EU, Centre of Family Studies Director and psychologist Dr Angela Abela says, warning the divorce...
Maltese families are among the strongest in the EU,...
There was agreement with PN on ‘rolling register’ too - PL
Labour says there was agreement with the PN on the introduction of a...
Labour says there was agreement with the PN on the...

‘Political parties have messed it up’ – divorce movements
Addressing a debate organised by AZAD, the movements fronting the divorce...
Addressing a debate organised by AZAD, the movements...
Anti-divorce lobby decries ‘bullying’ over media reports on civil servant
Anti-divorce lobby takes umbrage over MaltaToday reports that deputy Cabinet secretary is taking active role in campaign.
Anti-divorce lobby takes umbrage over MaltaToday reports...
PN agreed to use April’s Electoral Register
Documentation of Electoral Commission meetings show that there was agreement...
Documentation of Electoral Commission meetings show that...
Police 'cannot spare' officers to distribute divorce referendum voting documents
The Electoral Commission has reportedly been informed by the Police Commissioner that the force will not be in a position to take on the responsibility of...
The Electoral Commission has reportedly been informed by...
Divorce | Council urges youth to 'excercise right to vote' in referendum
The recently elected executive board of the Malta National Youth Council (KNZ) would like to encourage all eligible youths to make themselves heard by...
The recently elected executive board of the Malta...
Top government official takes time off to campaign against divorce
A veteran civil servant and deputy secretary to the Cabinet of Ministers has...
A veteran civil servant and deputy secretary to the...